Pay N Seconds

Centralizing tokens with a third-party provider reduced scope, created flexibility, and enabled new capabilities.

About the Company

Pay N Seconds is a multichannel payment application that originally worked directly with its gateway and its processor to secure and transmit payment information. However, as PNS grew and the need arose to develop a new version of its app, the company’s leadership realized it required greater versatility and affordability in its operations.

Product Used: Universal Tokens

Create a hub for gateways

Pay N Seconds wanted to tokenize PCI before the sensitive data entered its environment and to retrieve those tokens without restrictions, as well as introduce the ability to connect to multiple gateways and to pivot freely from gateway to gateway.

“We thought working with IXOPAY would be a great way to have a centralized place and a standardized way of managing tokens, and then we realized that there’s some PCI benefits to it,” Pay N Seconds Chief Information Officer Theron Hatch said.

Although PNS’s existing payment partners offered free tokenization if it used their processing services exclusively, they couldn’t deliver the freedom and flexibility PNS needed to fully control its tokens.

Retain control, reduce scope

By instead working with IXOPAY to create a cloud token environment independent of its internal systems and PSP, PNS was able to retain ownership of its tokens, leverage those tokens to build consumer profiles for future payments, and reduce scope by 75 percent and save 33 percent on compliance.

“None of those things would be possible without the ability to tokenize,” Hatch said. “It’s helped us become a forerunner in this space and to pioneer a lot of the things that are out there today.

“IXOPAY is the centerpiece of a lot of things that we do.”

How it works

Pay N Seconds uses the IXOPAY iFrame on all of its payment forms to capture incoming PANs and prevent sensitive cardholder data from traversing its environment.

The PANs are exchanged for a nonsensitive token that can then be used by Pay N Seconds to create consumer payment profiles for its customers.

When a customer wants to make a payment, Pay N Seconds simply calls IXOPAY to detokenize the PAN associated with the customer’s profile, and then IXOPAY passes the PAN to the appropriate processor or gateway to complete the transaction.

Unlock the value of your data

Pay N Seconds retained ownership of its tokens.

Pay N Seconds gained the ability to link tokens with consumer profiles.

Pay N Seconds reduced PCI scope by 75 percent for a total cost savings of 33 percent.

“IXOPAY has helped us tremendously. We didn’t even realize how much we needed them at first, but they’ve kept up with our changing needs. Because of that, we’ve been able to grow more quickly and more easily.”
Scott Little

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