Case Studies


Flexible, transparent processing via third-party tokenization enabled the creation of a cutting-edge booking platform
March 14, 2023

About the Company is the all-in-one app that allows people to save big on hotels, access a cash advance, get cash back on purchases, boost their credit score, earn money playing games, and more.

Product Used: Universal Tokens

Enabling Core Functionality

Super was developing its next-generation booking engine when it encountered a potential roadblock. Standard processor vaulting and tokenization services wouldn’t allow the travel company to process payments when it wasn’t the merchant of record.

The IXOPAY platform enabled Super to support this integral part of its business via the tokenization provider’s ability to both collect and transfer third-party credit card data. This additional functionality facilitated the growth of the company, becoming a core component of Super’s technology.

“It’s such a core underlying part of our stack,” Super Co-Founder and CTO Henry Shi said. “There’s no real alternative.”

Saving development resources

In addition to providing an indispensable technology to a platform that’s experienced , IXOPAY helped Super by meeting stringent partner compliance requirements.

“We had a potential problem with one of our partners, and IXOPAY was able to help us clarify for our partner that we met their compliance needs,” Shi said. “They were going to turn off the partnership for a while, which could’ve easily lasted a month or two, but because of IXOPAY, we were only off for a few days.

“Beside the engineering costs, the overheard, the headache of turning things on and changing the flow – getting recertified was going to be even more painful. IXOPAY saved us from that.”

How it works

Super via its checkout page or receives them from third-party partners.

IXOPAY exchanges the card data for nonsensitive placeholder tokens that Super can then .

When Super needs to process a payment or transmit sensitive data to a third party, it returns the token to IXOPAY, and then IXOPAY .

Unlock the value of your payments

Super experienced 100 percent growth year over year.

Super saved tens of thousands of dollars in lost opportunity costs and development time.

Super enabled an additional 10 percent of its business.

“"The alternative is that we don't charge or tokenize credit cards, which is not possible for our business. IXOPAY has always been so core to our business."”
Henry Shi, Co-Founder and CTO

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