3-D Secure

Comply with PSD2, prevent fraud and reduce liability with 3-D Secure

3-D Secure ensures you comply with the EU's PSD2, as well as protecting you from fraud. 3-D Secure also helps reduce false declines while shifting the liability for fraudulent transactions to the issuing bank.

Key Benefits

Help organizations comply with PSD2

Because 3DS is a valid form of SCA, it can help meet the authentication requirements of PSD2.

Reduce instances of fraud and false declines

By directly acknowledging their identity and the authenticity of a purchase, customers can help prevent fraud.

Shift the liability for chargebacks to issuers

3DS users register their cardholder data with their issuing bank, so the issuer assumes fraud risk and liability.

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How it Works

Frictionless flows

Seamless fraud prevention: Low-risk transactions can qualify for frictionless authentication, meaning no challenge is required to complete the transaction.

Challenge requests

Simple transaction validation: If a challenge is required, IXOPAY routes it to the end user. If completed, the transaction is approved for processing

3DS is available as part Risk Management Engine in the Payment Orchestration Platform or as a standalone Payment Optimization Module.


Strong customer authentication (SCA) was established by the EU Revised Directive on Payment Services (PSD2) in 2019 to help support the security of digital transactions. It is a preferred method for ensuring the authenticity of card-not-present payments.

Meeting these SCA requirements requires multi-factor authentication (MFA) for card-not-present scenarios. 3-D Secure (3DS) technology satisfies this requirement and provides enhanced security that protects the cardholder.