BIN Lookup

Use card data to route transactions, increase authorizations, reduce fraud and lower processing costs.

BIN Lookup provides you with critical payment card data. Use this data to route payment transactions to the best-suited PSP, leading to increased authorizations, less fraud, and lower processing costs.

What is a BIN?

A BIN, or a Bank Identification Number, is the first 6-8 numbers on a payment card that identifies the card issuer. The first digit is the major industry identifier, and the remaining digits identify the financial institution that issued the card. These numbers make it easy to trace cards and transactions back to their issuer. BINs can be found on cards like charge cards, gift cards, credit cards and debit cards.

The BIN provides a lot of helpful information about the payment card, such as details on the issuing bank and country, card brand and card characteristics (e.g. debit card, prepaid card). You can use this information to route your payment transactions to improve authorizations, reduce fraud, lower interchange costs, and comply with payment regulations.

Key Benefits

Better payment decisions

Use payment card data to improve customer experience, lower fraud, and reduce interchange costs.

Highly accurate data

Prevent costly errors from using inaccurate card information. IXOPAY BIN data comes directly from the card brands.

Simplified integration

Get started quickly with a simple API or using your existing IXOPAY Hosted iFrame or Mobile API integrations.

Avoid PCI compliance issues

Use card data without storing sensitive card info, minimizing your PCI scope and compliance costs.

Featured Resource

Standalone Plans


1.2M requests per year

Accessible via iFrame, Mobile API, or standalone API


6M requests per year

Accessible via iFrame, Mobile API, or standalone API


Unlimited requests

Accessible via iFrame, Mobile API, or standalone API

Delivery of full BIN file

BIN Lookup can be used as a standalone product or as part of the Payment Optimization Platform. The Payment Orchestration Platform allows you to use BIN data for risk management (risk rules based on BIN country, card type, brand, level, total transaction within BIN range) and for routing rules (BIN country level, type and regular expression).


The Bank Identification Number (BIN) provides a large amount of useful information about the payment card, such as details on the issuing bank and country, card brand, and card characteristics (e.g. debit card, prepaid card). You can use this information to route your payment transactions to reduce your fraud, improve authorizations, and lower your interchange costs.

You can receive BIN data through the IXOPAY Hosted iFrame, Mobile API, or standalone API. If you purchase the Enterprise package, you also have access to a file containing the full BIN database.

The data is updated on a weekly basis.

The following card networks are supported:

IXOPAY BIN data comes from card brands and financial institutions, includes more than 70 data points, and is updated on a weekly basis.